Sasa Radovanovic Code repo

Crew Management System

This is not commercial application and is still work in progress. This web service emulates crew management process at a commercial airline. It consists of a backoffice (access limited only to administration personel) and crew portal (access for every crew). This application connects two of my big passions - aviation and coding. I am aware that airlines have multi-billion software for this purpose, with a lot more functionalities and features. This project does not aim to be a commercial one, it is just my personal homage to airlines, their IT sectors and my view on this mega-complex problem. From the technical point of view - I wanted to try MongoDB in Java-based environment (I do have two years MongoDB experience, but solely in NodeJS environment). Being more core JavaEE than Spring developer, this also the perfect chance to go a bit deeper with Spring. Beside this, I wanted to try AngularJS 1 with templating engine other than Bootstrap.


The application deploys two web frontends: backoffice and crew portal. Log is the same but based on role stored in database, user gets redirect to it's own application. I will not go into tehnical data here, but just show views from both applications (although applications are not finished). Click on the image for larger preview.
Home page / Login page
"Log in" sets URL to private Application where Log in screen opens
Control of airlane types (admin can add available airplane types to the database)
Adding specific airplane to the fleet (from available airplane types)
Creating scheduled routes (used for cloning specific flight)
Creating flight and assigning crew
Creating crew accounts and changing profile data
Fleet and schedule operations

Scheduled routes and Crew operations

Sasa Radovanovic Code repo