Crew Management System
This is not commercial application and is still work in progress. This web service emulates crew management process at a commercial airline. It consists of a backoffice (access limited only to administration personel) and crew portal (access for every crew). This application connects two of my big passions - aviation and coding. I am aware that airlines have multi-billion software for this purpose, with a lot more functionalities and features. This project does not aim to be a commercial one, it is just my personal homage to airlines, their IT sectors and my view on this mega-complex problem. From the technical point of view - I wanted to try MongoDB in Java-based environment (I do have two years MongoDB experience, but solely in NodeJS environment). Being more core JavaEE than Spring developer, this also the perfect chance to go a bit deeper with Spring. Beside this, I wanted to try AngularJS 1 with templating engine other than Bootstrap.